New York Fashion Week is February 12-19. When I hear Fashion Week I usually think “that thing they do at the end of Project Runway,” but I know it’s also a time when designers debut new collections and fashion in general is in the global spotlight.
To counteract the unsustainable aspects of the fashion industry that will be inherently celebrated this week, the Ethical Writers Coalition has launched Style Stories, a movement that highlights style that is both fashionable and sustainable. Anyone can submit a photo and story of their favorite outfit that contains an ethical component: fair trade, vintage/secondhand, locally made, eco-friendly, organic, cruelty-free, or otherwise ethically produced.
There are a couple different ways to participate:
- Submit your outfit on the Style Stories tumblr
- Post your outfit on Instagram using the hashtag #stylestories15
Even if you don’t have an outfit to share, definitely visit the Tumblr and peruse the gallery of photos. Not so long ago, ethical fashion had the stereotype of being hippie-ish and frumpy (or as my sister would say, “Everything has dragonflies on it.”) The Style Stories gallery shows that this is definitely not the case anymore, and there are ethical fashion options for every taste and style. Be sure to check out my submission while you’re there!
Oh I love this!! What an awesome collection of stylish ethical fashion for the real world. Thanks so much for sharing!
also! love seeing your pretty face :).