In the final days before Christmas, I wanted to share this fun and thoughtful campaign from the Story of Stuff Project.
The Story of Stuff Project started several years ago with an animated online video that showed the journey of the stuff we buy from its production to its eventual death in a landfill. Since then the organization has expanded its scope to address issues issues ranging from overconsumption to corruption to the environment. This December they have a campaign called Buy Less, Live More, which asks individuals to share photos showing what they have time to do when they’re not shopping.
I submitted a photo but it wasn’t approved by the time I posted this, which is actually OK because it’s a bit of a spoiler for a DIY post I’ll be doing in January. This year I finished up my Christmas shopping on a Friday, which left Saturday open for yoga class, biking AND running (it was definitely my most fit day of the year), and working on that DIY project. It was an incredibly satisfying day! Admittedly, I did get mostly store-bought gifts for the people on my list, but I did make one gift and tried to support ethical and local businesses for the others.
I like this campaign as a simple and fun way to remember that shopping and gifts are not the point of this time of year, and a thoughtful gift doesn’t have to be a store-bought one.
Have a warm and happy holiday from us at the Fair for All Guide!
This is cool! Have you read their book, the story of stuff? I am actually reading it right now and it’s pretty fascinating!
I didn’t realize they had a book; I need to look into that!